Friday, April 4, 2014

Life Juice Cleanse - Day One

Over the last few years I have considered doing a cleanse.  I have been interested in how I will feel during cleanse and if really would make me feel better at the end of it all.  Then I get engaged, I'm struggling to eat healthly, and Big B is out of town for a long weekend.  Perfect time to see how a cleanse goes, so I'm going for it.
I started off by doing a lot of research.  I read this article, and this one, and then lastly I found Chef Amber Shea's blog where she reviewed numerous juice cleanses with a little more depth than other articles I had found.  I really appreciated all the information that she shared.
After reading all the articles I narrowed down my choices to Life Juice, Blueprint Cooler Cleanse and Suja.  These cleanses all hit the items I was looking for in a cleanse.  I wanted my cleanse to taste good, have organic fruits and vegetables and the juice be cold-pressed.  I read through each website and Blueprint was out because one of their juices contains cashews, probably not a good match for me with my allergic reactions to them.  All the juices ended up being about the same price when I added in shipping costs.  So, I ended up with Life Juice because they have the cheapest shipping price and I would rather spend that extra money on the juices than on the shipping.  Hopefully it means its the best, right?  Who knows, maybe next time I will try out a different brand.
I had planned on starting the cleanse on Thursday, the day Big B left.  That way I would have a day to come out of the cleanse before he got home.  However, I didn't receive the juices until mid-day on Thursday, so that plan was out the door.  (Note to anyone interested in ordering from Life Juice in the future, make sure you state a day earlier than you plan on starting when completing your order.  This seemed to be an issue for Chef Amber also.)  The packaging was nice and the juices came in a large insulated bag with a smaller insulated bag to carry a juices you might need for the day with you.  The information card was cute and I was excited as I loaded the juices into the fridge.
I woke up this morning ready to go.  The reviews for the first juice, Solé, were not glowing.  Solé is a mix of filtered water, lemon and pink himalyan sea salt.  And the reviews had mentioned how salty it was, I actually missed the fact that there was even lemon in it while reading the reviews.  Throw in the fact that I normally try to avoid salt as much as possible and I was a bit nervous.  Life Juice recommended warming Solé, but this sounded a bit like drinking that hot-salt-water-I-used-to-gargle-as-a-kid-when-I-had-a-sore-throat, so I chose to drink it cold.  And I was pleasantly surprised, Solé reminded me a bit of a margarita and I had no trouble finishing it.
Juice #2 was Positive Balance, I was not a fan and struggled to get it down.  I have a feeling it is the beet ingredient that turned me off.  I am hoping it will hit the spot a bit better over the next two days.  The plan was to drink this around 9:30 am, but since I was at work and ended up in the two-year-old's classroom, I didn't finish it until close to 11 am.
Juice #3 was Oh My Greens, it had a lot of the same ingredients as the Positive Balance, but I definitely enjoyed it more.  By now it was towards the end of my work day and I am starting to wonder how I am going to finish all 6 juices.
Juice #4 I drank on my way home from work.  Number four is Bodacious Bunny, lots of carrot in this one!  Although I don't typically enjoy carrot I did like this juice.
Juice #5 was supposed to be Oh My Greens again.  However, it is now almost 8 pm and I just didn't think I could drink two juices before going to bed.  Although most sites, including Life Juices, don't recommend skipping a juice, I had to go with how I was feeling, so I skipped it.
Juice #6 was Spiced Almond Milk.  Life Juice recommended drinking this warm like Solé, but I wasn't in the mood.  Either way I thought it was pretty tasty cold, maybe I'll try it warm tomorrow.
I've only noticed a slight headache today and hope that I continue to feel good throughout the remaining two days.  After this post its off to a warm bath with epsom salt and Bath and Body Works Lavender Vanilla Luxury Bath, sounds like a good end for the evening!


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