Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Week After My Cleanse & Green Orange Smoothie

On Sunday I was positive I would never do a cleanse again.  However, almost a week later, I'm not so sure.  Maybe I'll have to try another brand and compare the two.

Some positives from the cleanse:
- I have lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks (this has included healthy eating after the cleanse and working out regularly)
- I'm not craving junk food as severely as I was before and I have become much more mindful of when I am full
- Coworkers at work have stated that I already look thinner and my skin looks healthier

- I felt a bit naseous through Tuesday
- I was so sick of juice!
- I have felt a bit weak when returning to my normal workout routine

On a side note I made the most delicious smoothie Thursday morning and made it again this morning.  Although it looks very green it actually tastes a like an Orange Julius.

1 cup spinach
1 banana
1 cup orange juice
1/4 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I am currently using Syntha-6, Vanilla Ice Cream)
I Tablespoon of chia seeds
I blend all of these togethers using a Magic Bullet then I add crushed ice to the top and blend it again.
Calories 310

I prefer a more fruity smoothie, so on Thursday I added raspberries and this morning I didn't have any berries so I added some raspberry kefir.

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